Distance admission
In accordance with the Procedure for admission to study for higher education in 2022, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on April 27, 2022 No. 392, the admission of foreign students to the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov can be conducted face-to-face and/or remotely (via a partner organization with which an agreement has been concluded on the remote conduct of entrance exams for foreigners in accordance with Appendix 10 to the Rules of admission for higher education at the M. P. Drahomanov NPU). In order to enrol remotely, a foreign applicant must be in their country of origin. First, a foreign applicant must contact the email address: inostud@npu.edu.ua or foreignstudentsdep@npu.edu.ua to inform the university of his/her desire to study and submit an application in electronic format (print, fill out and sign, then scan and send to the university ) together with scans of documents about previous education with a translation into Ukrainian, allowing for the educational level chosen by the applicant, according to the Rules and procedures for admission to study at the M. P. Drahomanov National University of Education.
Foreigners who have received an invitation to study registered in the Automated System "Electronic Journal" of a state-owned enterprise authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, have received a set of information and consulting support services, and have received a visa to enter Ukraine can participate in remote admission for the purpose of training.
The organization and conduct of entrance tests for foreign citizens are carried out through the mediation of a partner organization that is a resident of the country of origin of the entrants, with which an agreement on the provision of relevant services was concluded. The subject of the agreement is the provision of services for personal identification, verification of original documents of entrants, organization of receiving applications of entrants in electronic form, provision of premises and technical means for conducting consultations and entrance tests by a higher education institution in a remote format.
The University has concluded agreements with organizations that meet the following requirements:
- compliance with the area of premises for remote submission of documents, conducting consultations and entrance tests with the established norms of quarantine restrictions in the country where recruitment is carried out;
- provision of entrants with means of personal protection;
- ensuring the procedure of identification of entrants using facial recognition technologies, which includes checking personal data (surname, patronymic (if available)), biometric data and their verification with the official (state) database;
- ensuring compliance with integrity requirements during the entrance exam for foreigners;
- provision of a place to store telephones, tablet computers and other electronic devices of entrants seized during the entrance test;
- provision of a suppression device for cellular and Internet networks;
- ensuring video surveillance around the perimeter of the auditorium in which the entrance exam for foreigners takes place by installing at least two video cameras;
- provision of technical equipment for video communication with the examination board of the educational institution in real-time (computer, video camera, microphone, TV or projector with a screen);
- the presence of at least two employees in the classroom to monitor compliance with the requirements of academic integrity and technical support during the entrance exam for foreigners;
- provision of all entrants with individual computers with connection to the institution's online platform, through which the entrance exam for foreigners will take place;
- provision of consultations and training before the entrance exam for foreigners in order to familiarize them with the rules of taking it remotely and using the online platform;
- provision of video recording of the entrance test, transfer of video material to the educational institution through the online platform, storage of information and video materials after conducting the entrance exam for foreigners for five years in a partner organization.
The institution of higher education calculates the points/grades of the entrant based on the document on the previously obtained level of education and establishes the minimum value of the number of points/grades required for admission in the general education subjects for which the entrance exam for foreigners is held.
Enrolment of foreigners to study at the appropriate level of higher education is carried out based on the results of entrance exams for foreigners in specified subjects and the language of study and on the basis of academic rights to continue studying, provided by a document on the level of education obtained in the country of origin, and taking into account the success scores that give the right to continue studying at the next level of higher education in accordance with the legislation of the country that issued the document on the obtained degree (level) of education.
All categories of foreigners enrolled in studies are enrolled in higher education institutions in Ukraine on the basis of enrolment orders. Confirmation of the fact of training can be a certificate issued at the Unified State Electronic Database on Education (EDEBO).